Camera, Oh Camera

Soooooo…I’d like to share four blogs, including photos with you all, but I can’t, because I sort of dropped the digital camera in Lamoka Lake yesterday. Or rather it fell out of my front pocket into the depths of Lamoka Lake when I bent over the side of the boat. Yeah…so just know that I had a great day bass fishing Lamoka Lake on Sunday with my nephew Kevin (I had a great sunrise over Lamoka photo to share). Monday I had an awesome family come musky fishing with me (had a great pic of that too). Tuesday I went fly-fishing in Ithaca and we hooked up with some smallies (lost those pictures too). Wednesday, the day the camera left me, I took out a husband and wife for some bass fishing. So…just know it’s been a great week of fishing, and I am truly sorry that I don’t have photos to share. I did go out bass fishing again this morning and took our other camera, so I’ll share that post with everyone later!

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