Book Your FLX Charter with Captain Mark!

Primary guide and owner of Summit to Stream Adventures, Mark Moskal has spent most of his life in the outdoors, studying wildlife, back-packing, camping, fishing, hunting, rafting, and traveling throughout New York State and the country.

In the year 2000 Mark had a vision to start Summit to Stream Adventures in the Finger lakes region of Central New York, where he was born and raised. Mark is an active member of Trout Unlimited, The Federation of Fly Fishers, The Finger Lakes Trail Conference, and the New York State Guides Association.

A NYS Licensed guide, Mark is also certified in CPR and First Aid by the American Red Cross, and is certified in Basic Water Safety. His goal is to share his passion of the outdoors with all who join him, and have people experience all that the Finger Lakes has to offer.

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