Opening Day of Spring Turkey in the Finger Lakes

This year my first guided trip of the year was with my best friend of 39 years, Andy Boudinot. A lifelong hunter and fisherman, he had never tried to hunt these elusive toms. The morning was a perfect 40 degrees, a light breeze and slightly overcast. We were set up on a known roost area, but the birds were dead silent. We did happen to see a couple fly down, but it was still silent. I let out a few soft purrs and two gobblers went off, it was game on! We had gobblers and hens talking up a storm. I went back and forth with loud yelps and soft purrs, and it wasn’t long before Andy had to make a choice…which one. It only took one shot, and the 3′ 1/2″ magnum, turkey load did it’s job at 42 yards. Great shot Andy! I think he will be back in the turkey woods again soon! It’s always exciting calling in birds for others, a great day in the Finger Lakes woods.

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