Now scheduling dates for fishing in the Finger Lakes! Kayak rentals to open in Phase 4

With phase 1 of the reopening in New York State, comes the ability for us to schedule charter fishing and fly fishing excursions. We’re actively booking fishing for the summer and fall months. You can be certain that we are taking all safety precautions necessary to ensure a healthy fishing environment. You can call and chat with Captain Mark Moskal to hear about our plans for the summer.

In addition, our kayak shack will forego its usual Memorial Day weekend opening, as we plan to open hourly kayak rentals in Watkins Glen when our region reaches phase 4. Hopefully, it will be the weekend of June 26. Please stay tuned for more information where the kayak shack is concerned.

Our sale for Feel Free kayaks is still going on, and you can call us for more information on the kayak of your dreams! 607-738-2726 or email

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