Black Bear don’t bother me…

So as recently as last week we had a black bear sighting…and as close as, well…my backyard!! Woke up in the morning to a banging on the side of the house, which turned out to be a black bear feasting on the trash inside my garbage cans. The bear spend all day in our backyard and eventually tore to pieces our cherry tree, bird feeder and four bags of garbage. I called the DEC to report the bear sighting and to see if we needed to follow any protocol. Here is the advice the DEC gave me:

-The bear is just there to eat, as soon as his food source is gone, the bear too will be gone.
-If the bear is blocking your exits from the house the DEC will come out and rearrange your setup to make it safe for you to get out
-make noise, and a lot of it when exiting your house to scare the bear
-and they asked if I had a digital camera…”yes” I answered…well then, fill it up with photos, because it will be fun experience to look back on.

And that’s about it, enjoy a few of our photos

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